Because one of the first things I imagine people will want to try out when customizing or expanding Endless Sky is to create a new kind of ship, I've tried to make that as easy as possible. All you need is a single image (which can be hand-drawn or generated by a 3D modeling program) and an entry in a data file. The recommended process for creating new ships is:
endless sky custom ships
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For collision detection, for all images in images/ship/ and images/asteroid/, or one of their sub-folders, a polygonal outline is generated when the sprite is loaded. This means that it's important for your ship image to be in that folder, so the game knows that it needs to calculate its outline. The folder must be named "ship", singular; "ships" will not work.
(If there are more than 10 frames, the extensions should be "-00.png", "-01.png", etc. You can also create sprites with additive or "half-additive" blending modes by using the extension "+#.png" or "#.png" respectively, but these blending modes look much better for projectiles or explosions than for ships.)
Making a full texture-mapped 3D model can be a lot of work, and since all the ships in this game are only shown from directly overhead and at relatively low resolution, it can be overkill. I've found that the fastest way to create good-looking ship images is to use a 3D design program (such as Blender) for rendering the shape of the ship and the basic colors of the different parts of it, but then using an image manipulation program (such as GIMP) for some post-processing.
The size of the thumbnail should depend on the size of the ship. Drones may be 100100 pixels or even smaller; capital ships can be up to 250250 pixels or possibly slightly larger for unusually big ships. To figure out the appropriate size, find some other ships that are about the same size as your ship in the overhead view, and then make the thumbnail the same size (i.e. about the same number of non-transparent pixels) as their thumbnails.
For some examples, you can look at data/ships.txt. The easiest thing to do is to take an existing ship and modify it. If you don't want to change the ships.txt file, you can create a file with any name you like, define your ship there, and save it in the data directory. Each ship attributes is defined as a key name (such as "sprite") followed by (usually) one value. If a key or value has spaces in it, you must enclose it in quotation marks or it will be interpreted as two separate keys.
As of v. 0.9.4 you can optionally specify a third value, a zoom factor, in order to have some of a ship's engines produce bigger flares than others. It is suggested that the sum of the squares of the zoom factors be roughly equal to 2 so that the total area of the engine flares is the same across ships. (Example: A ship with three engines could have an engine with a zoom factor of 1 and two with zoom factors of 0.7, as 1^2 + 0.7^2 + 0.7^2 is roughly 2.)
"uncapturable": If this tag is included (no value need be specified for it), this ship can be boarded but cannot be captured. This can be used to mark things that are not really "ships," e.g. a derelict hulk that you can plunder but that cannot be repaired to fly on its own. This tag is not "inherited" by variants of a ship. (v. 0.9.0)
"name": the name of the particular ship, as seen and/or editable by the player. In general this field will only be used by content creators for ships gifted to the player by a specific starting scenario. (It is extensively used by the game engine, to save the player's ships' names.)
"hull": maximum hull strength. A ship is disabled when it reaches its disabled threshold. This threshold can be altered by other attributes, but by default follows the equation hull * (0.1 * (1 - T) + 0.5 * (T)) where T = 1 / (1 + 0.0005 * hull). This results in a continuous curve where the smallest ships are disabled at 50% and the largest at 10% (although in practice the smallest ships are only disabled at about 46%, and the largest ships only approach 10%).
"heat dissipation": how well this ship gets rid of excess heat. This should vary from .9 for tiny ships to .5 or less for large ships. For ships of a given size, it should be higher for ships with more exposed hull area or that might be expected to have higher quality construction, and lower for ships that ought to be plagued by overheating issues.
There is also one special attribute called weapon that defines how much damage your ship does when it explodes. Suggested values for "tier 1" ships are shown in parentheses below; you can make the damage amount less or more depending on whether you want this ship to have a massive explosion (perhaps because it is carrying lots of ordnance) or a tiny one. Higher-tier ships should do less damage relative to their shield and hull values to avoid creating absurdly damaging explosions.
It is possible to add custom attributes to outfits/ships by specifying a key:value pair. As an example, when we wanted to add large scale spinal weapons, we added "spinal mount" 1 as a custom attribute. The total value of attributes for a vessel cannot be below 0. Then on the spinal weapon we added "spinal mount" -1, which means it is taking up that slot.
These attributes can be created directly on ships, outfits, and missions; and can be tested in outfits, missions, and planets. For example, we could make an outfit called "Protective Sheathing" that includes the noncorrosive 1 attribute, and then specify a planet that can only be landed on by ships that have this protective sheathing by adding "requires: noncorrosive" to the planet's attributes.
Note: While it is possible to "chain" the usage of add attributes, by referring to a variant instead of a base model ship, e.g. ship "Arrow (Faster)" "Arrow (Too Fast)", doing so will result in incorrect "model name" display when targeting ships, and may result in improperly configured ships due to the order in which the game creates ships. Thus, you should always refer to a "base model" ship, one that was defined as ship and not ship .
The end result should be something like [file-path]\endless-sky\plugins\[plugin-name], which in turn will contain that specific mod's data, images, and sounds folders, and possibly readme and copyright info.
A new Ship is automatically generated when a player or team of players form a crew. There is no cost to spawn a basic Ship. Cosmetic Ship customizations can be purchased via in-game currency, and once owned by a player, they can be applied and swapped by that player to their current Ship at no cost.
Any sunk ships flying an Emissary Flag will leave the flag behind as a Broken Emissary Flag, which can be sold to the Reaper's Bones for reputation and gold, depending on the emissary level the flag was on.
Endless Sky is a 2D space trading and combat game inspired by the classic Escape Velocity series. Work your way up from a relatively wimpy shuttle, cargo ship, or fighter, to a highly upgraded and customized flagship or to a massive fleet of warships or freighters. Earn money by carrying passengers or cargo, escorting convoys, bounty hunting, or plundering and capturing enemy ships. Take sides in a civil war, or ignore the story line and just enjoy exploring the galaxy and blasting pirates.
As we said earlier in the game there are a lot of spaceships that you can get. You can buy some ships from NPCs, and others are found in the vastness of space, but it is worth noting that they are all incredibly cool and have a well-designed design.
But if you still want to customize your ship to make it unique and not ordinary, we have bad news for you. There is no way to customize your ship in the game, and all you can do is change the weapons, but this will not change the color, shape, or other components. You can also go to the space station and find a new ship there. There are always a lot of abandoned spaceships near the space station, and maybe you will find what you need there, but do not forget that after moving to a new ship, you will have to abandon the previous one.
Since the release of the game in 2016, the developers have said many times that in the future we will be able to customize ships, but now all the forces are spent on creating a well-designed open world, NPCs, new items, and a high-quality balance between weapons.
Adventure across a procedurally generated map, attempt multi-tiered narrative driven contracts, build up your ships, hire crew, and face off against an enemy general in the fully cooperative game mode for 1-5 players.
The exotic ships with the squid hull designs have become extremely desirable due to their rarity, though they lack customization options. All have the signature tentacle and abdomen shapes in one of hundreds of possible colors.
Those who seek a squid or calamari ship in a specific color will have a tough time searching the Eissentam galaxy for one, where most of these ships are found. Focus on the Nijhwal Boundary and Omskio Instability.
Squid-style S-Class exotic ships always come pre-fitted with great thrusters and a custom rocket launcher. They have 20 inventory slots, six tech slots, and sell on the market for about 12 million units. Ever since being introduced in the Beyond content update, these ships have only gotten more popular.
It can only be obtained at Space Stations using a Starship Outfitting Terminal. These terminals allow players to scrap their ships for units, the most valuable piece of which is the AI Valve, which has a reclaim value of around 50 million units. Along with the valve, players also receive a stack of Iridesite or Geodesite and a stack of random activated stellar metal. 2ff7e9595c